I'm on a little buying trip in Germany this week so no orders will be posted out, sorry.
To make up for this small inconvenience, all orders placed will receive an automatic 12% discount but will NOT be shipped until Monday 20th of May 2024.

Who knew...

Who knew that up until 1948 there were Olympic Medals for art, architecture, town planning, literature, music and sculpture. I certainly didn't (well, I do now). More

Olympiaturm Munich

When I retire I think I will go and travel the world and visit every single telecommunications tower there is. That doesn't mean I can't visit them now, so when I was in Munich recently, one of the first things I did, was go up the Munich Olympiaturm More

Olympic Stadium

I'm off to Berlin on Thursday to check out DMY, the International Design Festival which starts tomorrow. The main show is at Tempelhof Airport, Berlin's historic airport which is now closed but still has some pretty impressive architecture. Talking of impressive architecture,... More